Friday, October 08, 2004

He hears...

Friday! The class almost deserted as folks start their weekend....we have half day on Fridays. This is a breakdown of members of this Global Journalism bunch. 18 nations in all! Six Africans. 8 men against 14 women! Russia, Ukraine, Sweden, Finland, USA, Canada, Peru, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bhutan, Malawi, Zambia, Uganda, Ethiopia and Nigeria. All sorts of cultures and beliefs you can guess, but Psalm 8 says, 'O Lord our God how excellent is your name in ALL the earth' Over the world..Jehova reigns!

And this God hears prayer. On Wednesday there was a prayer item about a missing teenage girl presented by Claudia from Germany. There were doubts that she was still alive for many days had passed since her disappearance..coupled with her disorder of inflicting wounds on herself apparently stemming from abuse in her childhood. I took the item, praying for her safe return, trusting God she was still alive. Blessed be the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come..I received an email from Claudia last evening saying the missing girl is alive and had sent an SMS to her parents!

It's cold, dark and rainy in Örebro and it is a struggle to wake up in good time for the classes. You kinda think it's still night and wham! Its 7.30am..sorta different from Malawi.
Im almost done with one of my three assignments that's putting pressure on me. And oh, about my relative who likes to drink and justifies herself with Proverbs 31! I emphasised the need to look at context in quoting scriptures. I recommended James chapter 5.


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