Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Father's Day Bash

Sunday was Father's Day in Sweden..I'm told much like the Mother's Day Malawi has..honouring your Mom and let her put her feet up for the day. The men at Brickeberg kyrkan cooked a fundraising lunch in aid of a community in the Central African Republic. We have four girls from India worshipping with us (what a blessing they are to me!) and one was sick on Sunday. Her friends gave me the 50 SEK lunch ticket she had already bought. Yeah..I did justice to the rice, chicken and icecream. The girls had grace in return for two of them won raffle prizes. 'Give and it shall be given unto you, a good measure....'

This gathering was in contrast to the dinner we were invited to at the Sveriges TV new studio in Örebro. A small lump of mashed potatoes, two pieces of beef, five fresh beanpods and some grave!!!! The Brickeberg lunch was a real solid meal with chances of 'some more'!!
A meeting with our professor today has resulted in changing my direction for my MA thesis...I will now look at how media covered the May elections in Malawi and not how public media ought to operate in a democracy. That's fine with me because it looks less involving. Snow was forecast for Örebro this week, but there is the sun up in the sky with blue skies!! Prayer point: God's mercies in transporting the
large TV and other stuff to Malawi in December. He is able, more than able.


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