Monday, September 11, 2006


What a day it has been today. I have met once again my academic mentors Stig Nohrstedt, Rune Ottosen and Roland Stanbridge at Rhodes University in South Africa. It just seems like yesterday when we were being drilled by these eminent scholars. I also met Oma Djebah, our Nigerian classmate in Sweden...same old Oma...articulate, full of life and fun. We are all attending the Highway Africa Conference.
Nostalgia, as I remember Orebro. Interesting discussions about Peace Journalism, digital migration and other ICT issues affecting Africa.
It's been a whirlwind two weeks for me.
Last week I was in Johannesburg attending a SADC media workshop on information sharing. On Friday I flew home, and on Sunday I came back to South Africa. It's all a testimony of God's goodness.