Thanks be to God for allowing us to enter this new year 2007. It is by grace that we are around. Happy New Year. On 21st December 2006, I was telling Angel Chima, my colleague in the music ministry, that I see 2007 as a year of great changes. A day later on 22nd December, I got an email that I believe is the beginning of manifestation of the transformation. God Be Praised…amidst negatives or positives, the name of the Lord is to be praised.
The journey has started and may the Lord grant me grace to see ahead, embrace the change and fill me with divine wisdom, so that as I talk and write the impact and influence will make people stand on their heads with wonder.
Otherwise Christmas was quite unique and somehow low-key both at church and the traditional family bash. It was Jairus my cousin based in Zambia and myself who visited the folks. New Year’s eve was busy with two services at church. I was drained by the time I left church at 1am on 1st January 2007 I was drained. I was happy though because my confidence returned, and I realised I had nothing and no one to fear.
Ohh! I woke up last weekend, determined to write an article on mentorship and succession plans. Then I started editing some photos and some other stuff and failed to get inspiration in the end. I will still write that article. Young men and women lack solid guidance these days and in the end make wrong decisions and mess up. There are problems of succession in organisations due to petty jealousy and lack of confidence among ageing superiors.