It Will Last...
Some days ago, I read a quote of American gospel singer Mitchell Jones which went something like: Only what you do for Christ will last. These words came to my mind over the past week in which I have lost a friend and former workmate Aretha Kamwendo and two close relatives.
The deceased have all left different legacies but what has been prominent is how they led their lives. Usually folks embellish stories about how departed souls behaved especially in delivering eulogies. But away from that facade it is what was done in the light of Christianity that counts here on earth and come judgment day.
On the political front it has been interesting to see how former president Bakili Muluzi is conducting himself. Muluzi of UDF says he is endorsing John Tembo of MCP as presidential candidate after apparently seeing that he will not be allowed to stand having served the legal two terms of office. The point to take note of is in the last election in 2004, Muluzi told public rallies that Tembo was a murderous person and his hands were 'bloodied'. Clips of those speeches are making rounds even on youtube. Now how and when on earth did saint Muluzi realise that John Tembo was after all pious and deserving a vote?
Otherwise it is spring in Goteborg hence warm and sunny. I have been going out with just a t-shirt after wearing a winter coat for four months!! But then my time in this part of the world is coming to an end. Much progress has been done with my MA paper and I look forward to being back in Malawi, and may God help me readjust to home and work situations. Amen!!