Drummer Boy and the good Lord!
Thanks be to God who always leads us unto victory through Jesus' 'Spirit of the Living God fall afresh on me--melt me, mould me and use me' Church has been really great these past two Sundays. Last week my Sri Lankan class mate Ruwanthi Kariyawasam agreed to come to Brickbergkyrkan and attend the service. She came and yesterday Ruwanthi was also in church! How great Thou Art O Lord. Ruwanthi comes from a Buddhism background and she says she finds peace in the church. Thank you Jesus. Last week I also played bongos with some Swedish guys in the praise and worship session. Michael, Genilla, Jonatan, and a young girl. I enjoyed playing the drum and I didn't miss being on the guitar.

Rains washed away most of the recent snow so I hope there will be more today or this week so that I learn how to ski with my hostel friend, Micke Emtesten. I thank God for Mphatso in UK who is feeling better after going through personal storms there, Susan Kibii my Kenyan pal for her encouragement in my daily battles and Mom for her great letter of support to me today as I seek favour of God and his direction. Let the bells toll indeed in your timing Lord.

It Is Well With My Soul
Blessed be the Lord God Almighty who always leads us unto victory through His son Jesus Christ....today is the fifth anniversary of the sudden departure of my beloved sister Anne..she collapsed and died in the year 2000 from what the doctor called aneurism. The BBC news website says: "An aneurism is a dilation, or swelling, of a blood vessel (where part of the vein or artery inflates like a balloon). The wall of the aneurism stretches and is thinner and weaker than the rest of the artery wall. Because of its likelihood to burst, it poses a serious risk to health." Five years on I have accepted Anne's death and I have peace.
We came back to Örebro safely on Thursday night six hours ahead of schedule as the course at Oslo University College in Norway ended earlier than expected and our class was able to catch a bus at 4.30pm, getting home at 9.30pm.
On Wednesday I got a phone call from Mom that a burglar had forced open a window and run off with the mobile phone I gave my dear cousin and sister Chitsanzo only four weeks ago. This unnerved me so much. The other phone I took to Malawi was damaged by a technician at a phone shop, my fridge was damaged by a power surge, the television broke down in an unexplained manner, there is pressure with regard to school work and the issue of Chifundo my missionary friend. It is well, Lord.